Lifestyle Products


Community-Driven Tourism Information Application Development Project, Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization)

BY gt

CDG Group, in collaboration with the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization), has developed a Community-Based Tourism (CBT) application that showcases community-driven tourism information. This project involves building a community tourism database system, an online platform for community tourism data input, and developing APIs to integrate and utilize data across relevant systems. Additionally, a web application has been created to present community-driven tourism data for effective coordination and mutual benefit.

JS100 Application: Pacific Corporation Limited’s JS100 Radio Station

BY gt

In collaboration with the popular JS100 radio station, CDG Group introduces the JS100 Application ‘Road Safety Life Safety’, aiming to enhance travel and lifestyle experiences with utmost safety. This application integrates NOSTRA's map technology to accurately locate and provide information, ensuring convenience and prompt assistance in emergencies, available round the clock. Users can check real-time traffic conditions, accidents, important events, and news updates. The application is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, catering to a wide user base. Moreover, CDG Group revolutionizes the reporting and notification system for road incidents and events through a web-based EMS (Emergency Management System). This system instantly displays reports on a map, expediting problem-solving and efficient assistance.

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